"The idea was great, it was just executed wrong." tweets cf Execution, Accountability

Chaos Magick had its inception in the late 1970s when Pete Carroll began to meld together elements of Golden Dawn ceremonial magick, Thelema, Taoism and Tibetan Buddhism in his articles for the magickal journal, The New Equinox. The inspiration for this synthesis was the work of the obscure, early twentieth-century artist and sorcerer Austin Osman Spare. Spare had developed what he called the technique of SentientLetters. Pete Carroll reformed the technique, and the sentient letters were recast as 'sigils'; they became the basis of a system which aimed to generate results through the application of undogmatic magickal technique. http://www.barbelith.com/cgi-bin/articles/00000004.shtml (more)

A Mobile Virtual Network Operator is a wireless communications services provider that does not own the wireless network infrastructure over which it provides services to its customers. An MVNO enters into a business agreement with a mobile network operator to obtain bulk access to network services at wholesale rates, then sets retail prices independently.[1] An MVNO may use its own customer service, billing support systems, marketing, and sales personnel, or it could employ the services of a mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MVNO (more)

A competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC), in the United States and Canada, is a telecommunications provider company (sometimes called a "carrier") competing with other, already established carriers, generally the incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC)... Local exchange carriers (LECs) are divided into incumbent (ILECs) and competitive (CLECs). The ILECs are usually the original, monopoly LEC in a given area, and receive different regulatory treatment from the newer CLECs. A data local exchange carrier (DLEC) is a CLEC specializing in DSL services by leasing lines from the ILEC and reselling them to Internet service providers (ISPs).[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Competitive_local_exchange_carrier (more)


Universal Scene Description (USD) is a framework for interchange of 3D computer graphics data, created by Pixar. The framework focuses on collaboration, non-destructive editing, and enabling multiple views and opinions about graphics data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Scene_Description (more)

Matthew Ball: Interchange Tools + Standards and the Metaverse. Without them, there will be no Metaverse — only a more virtual and immersive version of today’s mobile internet and app stores. What’s more, this pale imitation will be far less lucrative, dynamic, and healthy. (more)

Venkatesh Rao: A Text Renaissance. (more)

music club in NYC and later other locations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knitting_Factory

great Baritone Sax album of Gerry Mulligan tunes: Ronnie Cuber, Nick Brignola, and Gary Smulyan, with bassist Andy McKee and drummer Joe Farnsworth (more)

Eldorado is a project to graph cool things with / related to wiki - using Neo4j, Graphviz, and integrating code written by Ward Cunningham. See github (more)

Ivermectin (/ˌaɪvərˈmɛktɪn/, EYE-vər-MEK-tin) is an antiparasitic drug.[6] After its discovery in 1975,[7] its first uses were in veterinary medicine to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis.[8] Approved for human use in 1987,[9] today it is used to treat infestations including head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis and lymphatic filariasis.[8][10][11][12] It works through many mechanisms to kill the targeted parasites,[10] and can be taken orally, or applied to the skin for external infestations.[10][13] It belongs to the avermectin family of medications... During the COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation has been widely spread claiming that ivermectin is beneficial for treating and preventing COVID-19.[20][21] Such claims are not backed by credible scientific evidence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin

co-founder of stripe.com

Zvi Mowshowitz: Covid-19 3/31/2022: More of the Same. BA.2 became the majority strain in the United States this week, as expected. Mostly things are continuing as expected, with unsurprising news on a variety of fronts. The biggest surprise is that the second booster shot was approved (more)

Zvi Mowshowitz: They Don’t Know About Second Booster. The FDA went ahead and did it, approving a fourth covid-19 vaccine shot for those age 50 or older. This is a reference post for those wondering if it makes sense to get that second booster. (more)

Note-taking app Mem raises $5.6 million from Andreessen Horowitz. The competition for note-taking is as fierce as it has ever been with plenty of highly-valued productivity startups fighting for an audience it can potentially serve endless productivity offshoots. In the past year, Notion raised at a $2 billion valuation, Coda raised at $636 million, and Roam raised at $200 million. (more)

The Cacophony Society is "a randomly gathered network of free spirits united in the pursuit of experiences beyond the pale of mainstream society." It was started in 1986 by surviving members of the now defunct Suicide Club of San Francisco. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cacophony_Society (more)

Steven Johnson: What Would Have Killed You? This weekend, NPR’s TED Radio Hour is airing a special hour-long episode where I discuss the past, present, and future of human life expectancy. (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

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